Hi! I'm Kate, a native to the Chicago area whose heart is on the West Coast! I grew up in Palatine, then moved to Southern California right out of college - for 12 years. I met my husband and we had two amazing kiddos (who inspired the name Olive & Hazelnut Photography). In my past life, I worked in banking. Banking! I prepared bank offices for their audits. And I was pretty good at it! How did she get into photography? you must be asking. Well, it's a bit of a story.
In early 2016, my then-nine month old daughter was hospitalized for seven days on oxygen, and we realized we wanted - needed - to be close to family. Weighing our options, we decided to move (back) to Illinois. (I did not intend to move right back to Palatine, after living 2,000 miles away, but life is funny that way.) My position within the bank did not exist in Illinois, so... I left banking. It was a huge change and a golden opportunity to really evaluate what was important to me, what my passions were, and what would

make my soul happy. I never imagined I'd move back to Illinois, but I did dream about making a living with a camera in my hand! I'd been a hobbyist photographer for years. We made the cross-country drive with two young kids, a cat, and a dog late in 2016. And in early 2017, photography became my career! And I truly could not be happier. I started as a newborn photographer and have expanded to milestone, child, and family photography. Each has its special place in my heart!
Over the last few years, I've truly enjoyed meeting so many of your wonderful families in and around the Northwest Suburbs and capturing this moment in time for you. I can't thank my clients enough - I'm incredibly lucky to have this job I love! I may find myself back in SoCal someday. (Fingers crossed!) If I'm going to put up with Illinois winters, I may as well do it with a camera in my hand, capturing beautiful memories for you!